“To awaken the people, it is the women who must be awakened. Once she is on the move, the family moves, the village moves, the nation moves.” – Jawahar Lal Nehru


05:23 AM

The question “ “To awaken the people, it is the women who must be awakened. Once she is on the move, the family moves, the village moves, the nation moves.” – Jawahar Lal Nehru" was asked in the Mains 2023 GS Paper 4. Let us look at the model answer to this question.

Answer: The given quote by Jawahar Lal Nehru underscores the pivotal role of women in driving social and national progress. It highlights the idea that empowering women can have a cascading effect, positively impacting families, communities, and ultimately, the entire nation.

To awaken the people women must be awakened because:

  • Women as Catalysts of Change: Empowered and educated women drive positive shifts across sectors.
    • Ex: Deepti Sharma's realization in a food queue led to "FoodtoEat," promoting sustainable infrastructure for small food ventures.
  • Political Participation: Women in governance advocate for inclusive policies.
    • Ex: Over half of Rwanda's Parliament is women, resulting in increased education investment and reduced poverty.
  • Healthcare: Knowledgeable women prioritize prenatal care and family health, reducing maternal and child mortality rates.
    • Ex: In Kerala, India, women's high literacy rates have been linked to the state's commendable healthcare outcomes, including low infant mortality rates and high life expectancy.
  • International Impact: Women's empowerment resonates globally.
    • Ex: The #MeToo movement, initiated by Tarana Burke's exposure of sexual abuse, became a global phenomenon.
  • Policy Implementation: An awakened women's collective influences national policy and action.
    • Ex: The Vishaka guidelines in India arose from campaigns against sexual harassment.
  • Economic Growth: Empowered women boost economies by investing in family health and education.
    • Ex: In Bangladesh, women's involvement in Grameen Bank's microfinance uplifted communities and spurred economic progress.

When one woman moves:

Jawaharlal Nehru's quote emphasises the transformative potential of women's empowerment. It acknowledges that by focusing on awakening and empowering women, societies can unlock a powerful force for positive change that extends from the individual to the family, community, and nation.

Jawaharlal Nehru's quote emphasises the transformative potential of women's empowerment. It acknowledges that by focusing on awakening and empowering women, societies can unlock a powerful force for positive change that extends from the individual to the family, community, and nation.