A Collective Responsibility: How SC Verdict on Childcare Leave Opens Up Possibilities for Women


05:12 AM

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A Collective Responsibility: How SC Verdict on Childcare Leave Opens Up Possibilities for Women Blog Image

Why in News?

  • In a landmark judgment, the Supreme Court of India, led by Chief Justice, affirmed the constitutional entitlement of women to participate in the workforce.
  • The judgement emphasised the significance of Article 15's protection against discrimination based on gender.
  • This ruling emerged from a case where a government employee was denied childcare leave, shedding light on broader issues of gender equality and workforce participation in India.

Constitutional Protection and Employer Responsibility Regarding Women's Workforce Participation

  • Constitutional Protection
    • Article 15 of the Indian Constitution serves as a cornerstone for ensuring gender equality and non-discrimination.
    • It not only prohibits discrimination based on sex but also empowers the state to make special provisions for women to address historical injustices and systemic inequalities.
    • The Supreme Court's acknowledgment of Article 15 in the context of women's workforce participation reaffirms the constitutional mandate to create an inclusive and equitable society.
    • By recognising participation in the workforce as a constitutional entitlement, the court emphasises the fundamental rights of women to pursue employment free from discrimination and barriers.
  • Employer Responsibility
    • Employers, particularly the state as a model employer, bear a significant responsibility in fostering an enabling environment for women employees.
    • This responsibility extends beyond mere compliance with labour laws to actively accommodating the unique needs and challenges faced by women in balancing work and caregiving responsibilities.
    • Denying childcare leave to a female employee, as seen in the case before the Supreme Court, reflects a failure on the part of the employer to recognise and respect women's rights in the workplace.
    • The court's assertion that employers cannot be oblivious to the special concerns of women in the workforce underscores the need for employers to adopt proactive measures such as providing childcare support, flexible work arrangements, and gender-sensitive policies.
    • By fulfilling their responsibility, employers not only promote gender equality but also enhance productivity, retention, and overall well-being of their workforce.

Challenges to Women's Workforce Participation

  • Unpaid Domestic and Care Work Burden
    • Women in India bear a disproportionate burden of unpaid domestic and care work, including household chores and caregiving responsibilities for children, elderly family members, and other dependents.
    • The unequal distribution of these responsibilities places significant time and energy demands on women, often limiting their ability to participate in paid employment outside the home.
  • "Marriage Penalties" and "Motherhood Penalties"
    • Women frequently face penalties in their careers due to societal expectations surrounding marriage and motherhood.
    • Marriage may result in relocation, career interruptions, or increased household responsibilities, impacting women's career progression and earning potential.
    • Similarly, motherhood often leads to temporary withdrawals from the workforce or reduced working hours to accommodate childcare responsibilities, resulting in diminished opportunities for career advancement and economic independence.
  • Low Availability of Supportive Infrastructure
    • The lack of affordable and accessible childcare facilities, as well as other support services such as paid parental leave and flexible work arrangements, further impedes women's ability to balance work and family responsibilities.
    • Without adequate support infrastructure, women may be compelled to prioritise caregiving over paid employment, particularly in the absence of alternative care options.

Legal Framework Surrounding Women’s Workforce Participation

  • Legislative Reforms
    • India has made significant strides in enacting laws aimed at promoting women's rights and gender equality in the workplace.
    • These include provisions for maternity benefits, childcare services, and protections against gender discrimination in employment.
    • Recent legislative reforms have expanded maternity leave entitlements and mandated childcare facilities at worksites, reflecting a commitment to supporting women's workforce participation.
  • Gender-Neutral Provisions
    • Efforts to make legal provisions gender-neutral represent a positive step towards recognising caregiving responsibilities as a shared responsibility between parents.
    • By extending childcare benefits to all employees, regardless of gender, these reforms seek to challenge traditional gender roles and promote greater equality in caregiving responsibilities within households.

Implementation Challenges of Legal Frameworks Surrounding Women’s Workforce Participation

  • Coverage Limitations
    • The scope of existing laws may be limited in terms of coverage, with certain provisions applying only to formal sector establishments or workplaces with a minimum number of employees.
    • This exclusionary approach leaves out a significant portion of women working in the informal sector or in smaller enterprises, where access to maternity benefits and childcare support may be limited or non-existent.
  • Underfunded Welfare Schemes
    • Government-led welfare schemes aimed at providing childcare services, such as the National Crèches Scheme, often suffer from underfunding and inadequate infrastructure, limiting their effectiveness in reaching marginalised communities and addressing the childcare needs of working women.
    • Without sufficient financial resources and institutional support, these schemes may fail to meet the demand for affordable and quality childcare services, particularly in underserved regions.
  • Lack of Enforcement and Monitoring
    • Effective enforcement mechanisms and regular monitoring of compliance are essential for ensuring that employers adhere to legal requirements related to women's workforce participation.
    • However, enforcement agencies may face challenges such as limited resources, bureaucratic inefficiencies, and lack of coordination between government departments, hindering their ability to effectively enforce labour laws and address violations in a timely manner.

Way Forward to Enable Women’s Full Participation in Workforce

  • A Collective Responsibility of State, Employer and Communities
    • The state plays a crucial role in setting the legal and policy frameworks that govern women's workforce participation.
      • This includes enacting laws that promote gender equality, providing incentives for employers to adopt family-friendly policies, and investing in social infrastructure such as childcare facilities and education programs.
    • Employers have a direct impact on women's workforce participation through their employment practices and policies.
      • They can contribute to gender equality by adopting inclusive hiring practices, providing equal opportunities for career advancement, offering flexible work arrangements, and implementing family-friendly policies such as paid parental leave and on-site childcare facilities.
    • Communities play a critical role in challenging traditional gender norms and stereotypes that perpetuate inequalities in the workforce.
      • Community-based organisations, educational institutions, and grassroots initiatives can raise awareness about women's rights, provide support services for working mothers, and advocate for policy changes that promote gender equality.
  • Policy Integration
    • Integrating gender considerations into broader policy frameworks is essential for mainstreaming gender equality across all sectors of society.
    • This includes incorporating gender-responsive budgeting, conducting gender impact assessments of policies and programs, and ensuring women's voices are heard in decision-making processes.


  • To realise the full potential of women's participation, concerted efforts are needed to bridge implementation gaps, reform legal frameworks, and promote societal change towards equitable distribution of caregiving responsibilities.
  • By embracing these measures, India can pave the way for inclusive growth and sustainable development. 

Q) What is the significance of Article 15 in the Indian Constitution?

Article 15 is pivotal in India's equality framework, prohibiting discrimination based on religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth, fostering a society where all individuals are treated with dignity and fairness.

Q) How does Article 15 contribute to social justice in India?

Article 15 promotes social justice by ensuring equal opportunities and protecting against discrimination, fostering an environment where everyone, regardless of their background, has the chance to thrive and contribute to the nation's progress.

Source: The Indian Express