Indian Aviation, A Case of Air Safety at a Discount


04:49 AM

1 min read


  • The aviation sector in India is at a crossroads, grappling with the juxtaposition of rapid growth and critical safety concerns.
  • The statements of Union Minister and the DGCA, emphasising the paramount importance of safety, appear contradictory when juxtaposed with the ongoing safety lapses.
  • Considering the safety measures, it is important to analyse the safety protocols, parameters, challenges, and regulatory failures.

A Case Study of Safety Concerns and Regulatory Failures at Karipur Airport (Kozhikode, Kerala)

  • In June 2023, Union Minister addressed the non-provision of the Runway End Safety Area, a crucial safety feature recommended by the Aircraft Accident Investigation Bureau (AAIB) following an air crash in August 2020.
  • Despite the explicit recommendation and the Minister's warning of curtailing runway length for safe operations, no action has been taken to rectify the situation.
  • Without adequate safety measures in place, Karipur airport remains vulnerable to potential incidents, especially as it approaches the southwest and northeast monsoon seasons, known for adverse weather conditions and increased operational challenges.
  • Despite assurances of safety being paramount, the failure to prioritise and expedite necessary safety enhancements raise questions about the efficacy of regulatory oversight and the commitment to ensuring passenger well-being.

Flight Duty Time Limitations (FDTL) Regulations, Implementation Challenges, and Implications

  • FDTL Regulatory Announcement
    • The issue of fatigue management within the aviation sector represents a critical aspect of ensuring flight safety and crew well-being.
    • In January 2024, Union Minister announced revised FDTL regulations aimed at addressing pilot fatigue.
    • These regulations included increased rest periods, redefined night duty, and regular fatigue reports to be shared by airlines.
    • However, the subsequent deferral of the implementation deadline by the DGCA due to airline concerns highlights a significant regulatory failure and underscores the challenges in prioritising safety over commercial interests.
  • Commercial Pressure vs. Safety
    • The deferral of the FDTL regulations' implementation deadline due to airline owners' concerns about the need for additional crew to meet the new requirements reveals a prioritisation of commercial interests over safety considerations.
    • While the revised regulations were intended to mitigate the risks associated with pilot fatigue, the deferment indicates a reluctance to invest in crew welfare and safety measures that may impact operational costs and flight schedules.
  • Impact on Pilot Well-being
    • Pilot fatigue is a well-documented risk factor in aviation safety, with sleep deprivation and impaired reaction times identified as major contributors to accidents and incidents.
    • By deferring the implementation of fatigue management regulations, the authorities not only compromise flight safety but also exacerbate the stress and strain experienced by pilots.
    • The inability to enforce adequate rest periods and duty limitations not only jeopardises passenger safety but also undermines the health and well-being of flight crew members.
  • Regulatory Oversight and Accountability
    • Despite the Minister's assertions regarding the paramount importance of safety, the decision to delay implementation in response to industry pressure raises questionsabout the independence and effectiveness of regulatory bodies such as the DGCA.
    • Moreover, it underscores the challenges of balancing safety imperatives with industry demands and commercial considerations.

International Standards and Comparative Analysis

  • Comparative Analysis
    • Countries like Japan, Singapore, and the United Kingdom are known for their rigorous approach to aviation safety and adherence to international standards.
    • These countries prioritise fatigue management and invest in comprehensive regulatory frameworks to ensure crew well-being and operational safety.
    • For instance, Japan and Singapore emphasise fatigue management through regular rest periods and stringent duty limitations for flight crew members.
    • Similarly, the United Kingdom emphasises the importance of fatigue risk assessment and mitigation strategies to prevent fatigue-related incidents.
  • Two Days Off Every Week
    • One notable practice observed in these countries is the provision of two days off every week for pilots to reset their body clock and recuperate from cumulative fatigue.
    • By mandating regular rest periods, these countries prioritise crew well-being and enhance overall flight safety
  • Augmented Rest for Long-Haul Flights
    • Moreover, countries like Japan, Singapore, and the United Kingdom provide augmented rest periods for pilots involved in long-haul flights.
    • This practice acknowledges the unique challenges posed by extended flight durations and emphasises the need for additional rest to mitigate the risks of fatigue accumulation.
    • By incorporating augmented rest into their regulatory frameworks, these countries demonstrate a proactive approach to addressing fatigue-related risks and ensuring the safety of long-haul operations.

Way Forward: Comprehensive Regulatory Reforms

  • Adoption of ICAO Annex 1 Standards
    • One key recommendation is for India to adopt the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Annex 1 standards, which allow member states to recognise foreign licenses and issue Indian licenses based on specific criteria.
    • By streamlining the process for recognising foreign licenses, India can attract experienced pilots who may be deterred by bureaucratic hurdles and regulatory barriers.
    • This initiative would help alleviate pilot shortages and enhance the skill and experience levels within India's aviation workforce.
  • Utilisation of Retired Pilots for Training
    • Another recommendation involves leveraging retired pilots for training purposes, particularly in simulator training centres.
    • Retired pilots possess valuable experience and expertise that can be utilized to train and mentor the next generation of aviators.
    • By tapping into this resource pool, India can address training gaps, improve proficiency standards, and enhance overall safety outcomes.
    • Additionally, the utilisation of retired pilots for training roles can help alleviate staffing shortages and support the professional development of aspiring aviators.
  • Enhanced Monitoring of Crew Numbers
    • Furthermore, regulatory authorities such as the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) should enhance monitoring mechanisms to ensure compliance with FDTL regulations and crew staffing requirements.
    • By closely monitoring crew numbers based on FDTL standards, the DGCA can identify instances of non-compliance and take corrective action to mitigate fatigue-related risks.
    • Additionally, the DGCA should collaborate with airlines to develop proactive measures for managing crew fatigue and optimizing crew resources in accordance with operational demands.
  • Promotion of Safety Culture
    • Moreover, promoting a culture of safety within the aviation industry is essential for achieving sustainable safety outcomes.
    • Regulatory authorities, airlines, and other stakeholders should prioritize safety initiatives, invest in safety training programs, and encourage open communication channels for reporting safety concerns. 


  • The deferral of fatigue management regulations highlights the challenges of reconciling safety imperatives with commercial pressures within India's aviation sector.
  • To ensure flight safety and crew well-being, regulatory bodies must prioritise the enforcement of stringent fatigue management standards and resist industry pressuresthat compromise safety standards.
  • Only through a concerted effort to address regulatory failures and foster a culture of safety can India's aviation sector uphold the highest standards of flight safety and operational excellence. 

Q) What is the DGCA?

The DGCA stands for the Directorate General of Civil Aviation. It is the regulatory body responsible for overseeing civil aviation operations in a country. The DGCA's primary role includes issuing licences to pilots and aircraft maintenance engineers, conducting safety inspections, and enforcing aviation regulations to ensure the highest standards of safety in civil aviation.

Q) What is the significance of the DGCA in aviation?

The DGCA plays a critical role in ensuring the safety, efficiency, and reliability of civil aviation operations within a country. By setting and enforcing regulations, conducting inspections, and promoting safety initiatives, the DGCA helps maintain high standards of aviation safety and fosters public confidence in air travel. Additionally, the DGCA's oversight contributes to the growth and development of the aviation industry while prioritising the safety of passengers, crew members, and the public.

Source:The Hindu