Centre to depute national level monitors to oversee livestock schemes


11:20 AM

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Centre to depute national level monitors to oversee livestock schemes Blog Image

What’s in today’s article?

  • Why in news?
  • What is National Livestock Mission?
  • What is Rashtriya Gokul Mission (RGM)?
  • News Summary: Centre to depute national level monitors to oversee livestock schemes
  • Key highlights about National Level Monitors (NLMs)
  • Contribution of livestock sector in agriculture

Why in news?

  • The Centre has decided to deploy National Level Monitors (NLM) to oversee the implementation of its livestock schemes including National Livestock Mission and Rashtriya Gokul Mission.

National Livestock Mission

  • About
    • National Livestock Mission (NLM) launched in financial year 2014-15.
    • It seeks to ensure quantitative and qualitative improvement in livestock production systems and capacity building of all stakeholders.
    • The scheme has been realigned during 2021-22.
    • The concept of NLM Scheme is to develop the entrepreneur in order to create the forward and backward linkage for the produce available at the unorganized sector and to link with the organized sector.
  • Aim
    • The revised scheme aims towards:
      • employment generation,
      • entrepreneurship development,
      • increase in per animal productivity and thus targeting increased production of meat, goat milk, egg and wool.
  • Implementing agency
    • The Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying is implementing the scheme since the financial year 2014-15.

Rashtriya Gokul Mission (RGM)

  • About
    • RGM is being implemented for development and conservation of indigenous bovine breeds since December 2014.
    • It is implemented under the National Programme for Bovine Breeding and Dairy Development (NPBBD).
    • It is being implemented by the Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying.
  • Objectives
    • To enhance productivity of bovines and increasing milk production in a sustainable manner using advance technologies.
    • To propagate use of high genetic merit bulls for breeding purposes.
    • To enhance Artificial insemination coverage through strengthening breeding network and delivery of Artificial insemination services at farmers doorstep.
    • To promote indigenous cattle & buffalo rearing and conservation in a scientific and holistic manner.
  • Significance
    • The scheme is important in enhancing milk production and productivity of bovines to meet growing demand of milk.
    • It will also make dairying more remunerative to the rural farmers of the country.
    • The mission will result in enhanced productivity and benefit of the programme, percolating to all cattle and buffaloes of India especially with small and marginal farmers.
    • This programme will also benefit women in particular since over 70% of the work involved in livestock farming is undertaken by women.

News Summary: Centre to depute national level monitors to oversee livestock schemes

  • The Centre has decided to deploy National Level Monitors (NLMs) to oversee the implementation of different livestock schemes.

Key highlights

  • NLMs to oversee the implementation of different livestock schemes
    • Apart from the NLM and RGM, the Department of Animal Husbandry also implements the National Programme for Dairy Development and Livestock Health and Disease Control programme.
    • These programmes will also be monitored by the NLMs.
  • Two types of monitoring by NLMs
    • Two types of monitoring will be conducted by NLMs — regular and special.
    • The objectives of this monitoring include ascertaining:
      • whether the programmes of the Ministry are implemented according to guidelines prescribed by the Ministry; and
      • if prescribed implementation processes are being followed.
    • This monitoring will also determine:
      • villagers’ views on the programmes,
      • consider their suggestions for improvement, and
      • whether the selection of beneficiaries under a programme has been transparent, unbiased and fair.
  • Nature of NLMs
    • The NLMs will be third-party independent monitors — individuals and institutions deployed by the government.
    • Individual NLMs will be selected from among retired Civil/Defence Services Officers, and academia.
  • Significance
    • The Centre’s focus on monitoring the implementation of its schemes in the Animal Husbandry and Dairying sector is significant given this sector’s rising contribution to the economy.
    • Involving the NLMs will ensure its schemes’ monitoring is unbiased and objective.

Contribution of livestock sector in agriculture

  • The contribution of livestock sector in agriculture in terms of output, has increased from 24.32 per cent (2014-2015) to 30.87 per cent (2020-21).
  • The Livestock sector has been growing at a compounded annual growth rate of 7.93 per cent (at constant prices) from 2014-15 to 2020-21.
  • Value of output of livestock sector is Rs 14.49 lakh crore at current price during 2020-21 (as per National Account Statistics 2022).
  • Value of output of milk is more than Rs 9.31 lakh crore which is the highest of the agriculture produce and even more than the combined value of Paddy and Wheat.

Q1) Where is National Programme for Dairy Development?

 National Programme for Dairy Development (NPDD) was launched in February 2014 by merging three existing schemes i.e. Intensive Dairy Development Programme, Strengthening Infrastructure for Quality & Clean Milk Production and Assistance to Cooperatives.

Q2) Where is Artificial insemination?

 Artificial insemination is a procedure where a doctor inserts sperm into a woman's cervix, fallopian tubes, or uterus. The most common method is called intrauterine insemination (IUI).

Source: Centre to depute national level monitors to oversee livestock schemes | Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying | PIB | Rashtriya Gokul Mission