The Role of District Agro-Met Offices in Supporting Farmers through Weather Advisories
12:06 PM

What’s in today’s article?
- Why in News?
- What is Gramin Krishi Mausam Sewa (GKMS) scheme?
- What are District Agro-Meteorology Units (DAMUs)?

Why in News?
According to media reports, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) is planning to revive District Agro-Meteorology Units (DAMUs) under the Gramin Krishi Mausam Sewa (GKMS) scheme.
The IMD initially established 199 DAMUs in 2018 in collaboration with the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). These units were created to utilize weather data for generating and distributing sub-district-level agricultural advisories to help farmers make informed decisions.
However, in March, the IMD ordered the shutdown of DAMUs. The revival plan is now aimed at reinstating these units to support agricultural activities using weather-based insights.
What is Gramin Krishi Mausam Sewa (GKMS) scheme?
- About
- The GKMS scheme is an initiative by the India Meteorological Department (IMD) aimed at providing weather-based agricultural advisories to farmers.
- The primary goal is to enhance farmers' decision-making related to agricultural activities, thus helping them mitigate risks due to adverse weather conditions and improve crop productivity.
- Features
- Weather Forecasts - The IMD generates medium-range weather forecasts for different agricultural regions at district and sub-district levels.
- These forecasts typically cover 5-7 days and include parameters like rainfall, temperature, humidity, wind speed, and wind direction.
- Agro-meteorological Advisory Services (AAS) - The IMD provides weather-based bulletins to help farmers manage their crops and livestock. The advisories are available in local languages.
- Dissemination - The advisories are shared with farmers through multiple channels, including SMS, mobile apps, radio, television, and local government bodies.
- District Agro-Meteorology Units (DAMUs) - As part of the GKMS scheme, DAMUs were set up to decentralize weather data analysis and advisory dissemination to the sub-district level.
- Weather Forecasts - The IMD generates medium-range weather forecasts for different agricultural regions at district and sub-district levels.
What are District Agro-Meteorology Units (DAMUs)?
- About
- The DAMU project is a collaboration between the IMD and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR).
- The main activity of a DAMU is to support farm planners and farmers by providing advance weather information.
- This is done through block-level agro-meteorological advisory bulletins, helping farmers with day-to-day agricultural operations, minimizing crop losses, and ensuring efficient use of land and natural resources.
- Importance of DAMU
- Around 80% of Indian farmers are small and marginal, relying heavily on rain-fed agriculture, which is increasingly impacted by climate change.
- Experts have highlighted the importance of providing farmers with weather information due to shifting monsoon patterns, extended dry spells, and heavy rainfall.
- DAMUs, located within Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs), play a key role by using weather data from the IMD to prepare agricultural advisories.
- These advisories, related to activities like sowing, irrigation, and early warnings for extreme weather, are sent to millions of farmers free of cost, in local languages, twice a week.
- Disseminated through text messages, WhatsApp, newspapers, and in-person communication, these advisories help farmers plan better and mitigate risks.
- A policy brief by the National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS) highlighted the benefits of DAMUs in regions like Kalyana-Karnataka.
- In this regio, localized advisories improved farmers' ability to respond to climate variations, leading to higher yields and incomes.
- Around 80% of Indian farmers are small and marginal, relying heavily on rain-fed agriculture, which is increasingly impacted by climate change.
- Why were DAMUs shut down?
- According to a report, NITI Aayog misrepresented the role of District Agro-Meteorology Units (DAMUs) and advocated for privatization.
- NITI Aayog falsely claimed that agro-met data was automated, undermining the critical role of DAMU staff in preparing block-level agricultural advisories based on IMD weather data.
- Additionally, NITI Aayog proposed monetizing agro-met services, which are currently provided free to all farmers.
Q.1. What is the main purpose of District Agro-Meteorology Units (DAMUs)?
DAMUs provide weather-based advisories to help farmers plan day-to-day agricultural operations, minimize crop losses, and optimize land and resource use. These localized advisories assist in adapting to climate change and improving yields.
Q.2. How do DAMUs benefit small and marginal farmers?
DAMUs support small and marginal farmers by offering advance weather information and localized advice on sowing, irrigation, and fertilizers, helping them manage climate risks and improve productivity at the sub-district level.
Source: The role of district agro-met offices in supporting farmers | Explained | ICAR - Kolkata | IMD