Agriculture Scheme


10:06 AM

1 min read
Agriculture Scheme Blog Image


During the Budget speech Union finance minister announced multiple schemes towards Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare.

Key schemes announced are:

  • PM PRANAM (Prime Minister Programme for Restoration, Awareness, Nourishment and Amelioration of Mother Earth)
  • This programme will seek to incentivise states and union territories to promote alternative fertilisers and the balanced use of chemical fertilisers. 
  • Bhartiya Prakritik Kheti Bio-Input Resource Centres
  • Under this10,000 Bio-Input Resource Centres will be set up, creating a national-level distributed micro-fertiliser and pesticide manufacturing network. 
  • This will impact over 1 crore farmers over the next three years.
  • Agriculture Accelerator Fund
  • The Fund will aim at bringing innovative and affordable solutions for challenges faced by farmers.
  • It will also bring in modern technologies to transform agricultural practices, and increase productivity and profitability."
  • Cotton crop productivity enhancement 
  • Union government will adopt a cluster-based approach to enhance the cotton crop.
  • To enhance the productivity of extra-long staple cotton, the government will adopt a cluster-based and value chain approach through Public Private Partnerships (PPP). 
  • Centre of excellence for millets
  • Indian Institute of Millet Research, Hyderabad will be made into a Centre for Excellence and it will be supported for sharing best practices, research and technologies at the international level. 
  • Agriculture credit to be increased
  • The agriculture credit target will be increased to Rs 20 lakh crore with a focus on animal husbandry, dairy, and fisheries. 
  • GOBARdhan scheme
  • Five-hundred new ‘waste to wealth’ plants under GOBARdhan (Galvanizing Organic Bio-Agro Resources Dhan) scheme will be established for promoting a circular economy.


Q1)What are Millets?

Millets are small-grained, annual, warm-weather cereals belonging to the grass family. They are rain-fed, hardy grains which have low requirements of water and fertility when compared to other popular cereals.

Source: Many key provisions for Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare in the budget