Bhusanket Web Portal


11:31 AM

1 min read
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Recently, the Union Minister of Coal and Mines inaugurated the National Landslide Forecasting Centre at Geological Survey of India (GSI) Kolkata and also launched the Bhusanket Web Portal and Bhooskhalan Mobile App.

About Bhusanket Web Portal: 

  • This web portal will facilitate the dissemination of relevant data and information on landslide hazards, initiating short-range and medium-range landslide forecasting in the country.
  • Integrated with the Bhusanket Web Portal, the user-friendly Bhooskhalan Mobile App will enable quick dissemination of daily landslide forecasts and allow stakeholders to share and update spatial and temporal information on landslide occurrences.
  • The app is available on Bhusanket web portal and will soon be available on Google Play Store.

Key facts about Geological Survey of India

  • It was set up in 1851 primarily to find coal deposits for the Railways.
  • It is an attached office to the Ministry of Mines.
  • Its main functions relate to creating and updating of national geoscientific information and mineral resource assessment.
  • These objectives are achieved through ground surveys, air-borne and marine surveys, mineral prospecting and investigations, multi-disciplinary geoscientific, geo-technical, geo-environmental and natural hazards studies, glaciology, seismo-tectonic study and carrying out fundamental research.
  • GSI also emphasizes on systematic documentation of all geological processes both surface and subsurface, of the country and its offshore areas.
  • It functions as a ‘Repository’ for the purpose and uses the latest computer-based technologies for dissemination of geoscientific information and spatial data, through cooperation and collaboration with other stakeholders in the Geo-informatics sector.
  • Headquarter: Kolkata and it has six regional offices located in Lucknow, Jaipur, Nagpur, Hyderabad, Shillong.

Q1: What is a landslide?

A landslide is a mass movement of material, such as rock, earth or debris, down a slope. They can happen suddenly or more slowly over long periods of time. When the force of gravity acting on a slope exceeds the resisting forces of a slope, the slope will fail and a landslide occurs.

Source: Union Minister G Kishan Reddy inaugurates National Landslide Forecasting Centre and Launches Bhusanket Web Portal & Bhooskhalan Mobile App