What is Bioacoustics?
07:30 AM
1 min read

Bioacoustics combined with artificial intelligence (AI) can revolutionize biodiversity monitoring both on land and in aquatic settings, according to researchers.
About Bioacoustics:
- It is a cross-disciplinary science that combines biology and acoustics.
- Usually, it refers to the investigation of sound production, dispersion, and reception inanimals.
- Bioacoustics research can include approaches whereby scientists focus on specific species and conduct fieldwork to record their vocalisations at close range.
- Alternatively, it may involve the placement of passive acoustic monitors in a set location to record audio data over a longer period of time.
- In terms of conservation research, bioacoustics:
- Allows us to quickly gather in-depth information about ecosystems, including species’ presence (determined by their vocalisations), rain patterns, and human activity.
- Helps us monitor threatened species, examine habitat use and migration patterns, and understand how ecosystems recover from disturbance events like logging or forest fires.
- Provides data to guide conservation planning and support the development of new conservation strategies.

Q1: What is acoustics?
Acoustics is the branch of physics that deals with the study of sound, including its production, transmission, and effects. It encompasses the science of how sound waves behave in various environments, their interactions with different materials, and how they are perceived by listeners.
News: How bioacoustics and AI can help study animal populations in the forest and beneath the waves