Bru refugees
05:56 PM
1 min read
For the first time Bru refugees will not participate in elections in Mizoram as they were given permanent settlement in Tripura under a Central government sponsored rehabilitation arrangement.
About Bru refugees
- Bru, also known Reang is a community indigenous to the Northeast, living mostly in Tripura, Mizoram, and Assam.
- In Tripura, they are recognised as a Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group.
- They belong to Indo-Mongoloid racial stock. Their languages have an affinity with Austro-Asiatic groups under the Tibeto-Burman family.
- Ethnically they are divided into 2 major clans namely Meska and Molsoi.
- They speak a language known as “Kaubru” which has a tonal effect on the Kuki language though broadly it is the Kok-Borok dialect.
- Occupation: They are still a nomadic tribe and a large number among them maintain their livelihood involving Hilltop Jhum Cultivation and other food gathering activities.
- They believe in spirits and the existence of a soul.
- By religion they are Hindus and most of their deities are akin to gods and goddesses of the Hindu faith.
- They are traditionally endogamous and do not marry outside their community.
- In their tradition the village council chief known as “RAI” permits Divorce and Widow marriage.
Q1) Who are the nomadic tribes?
A nomadic tribe is a group of people who do not have a permanent settlement and instead move from one place to another in search of resources such as food, water, and grazing land for their livestock. Nomadic tribes have been a significant part of human history and have traditionally relied on hunting, gathering, herding, or a combination of these activities for their sustenance.
Source: For the first time, Bru refugees have no participation in Mizoram Assembly polls