Barda Wildlife Sanctuary (BWLS)
09:18 AM
1 min read

The Gujarat Forest Department recently presented its proposal to make Barda Wildlife Sanctuary (BWLS) the second home to lions before the national steering committee meeting held as part of "Project Lion @ 2047".
About Barda Wildlife Sanctuary (BWLS)
- Location:
- It is located in the state of Gujarat.
- It lies roughly 15 kilometers from Porbandar and 100 kilometers west of Gir Forest National Park.
- It has a hilly landscape, and the sanctuary sprawls over an area of 192.31 square kilometers.
- It lies at an altitude that ranges from 79.2 meters to 617.8 meters above the sea level.
- There are two waterways, the Bileshvary River and the Joghri River, and two dams, Khambala and Fodara.
- Ethnic races such as Maldharis, Bharvads, Rabaris, and Gadhvis live in this region.
- To develop Barda as the second home for the Asiatic lion, the State Government implemented the 'Gir-Barda Project' in 1979.
- Flora:
- It is characteristically abundant in floral diversity, which consists of a good number of medicinal plants.
- The sanctuary boasts about 650 plant species, which comprise Rayan, Babul, Ber, Jamun, Amli, Gorad, Bamboo, Dhav, Dhudhlo, etc
- Fauna: Leopard, Hyena, Wild boar, wolf, Jackal, blue bull, rare and endangered spotted eagle, crested hawk eagle, etc.

What is Project Lion?
- It envisages landscape ecology-based conservation of the Asiatic Lion in Gujarat by integrating conservation and eco-development.
- The project is being implemented in the Gir landscape in Gujarat, which is the last home of the Asiatic lion.
- Conservation status of Asiatic Lion (Panthera Leo):
- IUCN: Endangered
- Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972: Schedule I
- CITES: Appendix I
Q1) What is the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)?
It is an international agreement between governments that aims to ensure that international trade in wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival. CITES was adopted in 1973 and entered into force in 1975. There are 184 member parties, and trade is regulated in more than 38,000 species. Although CITES is legally binding on the Parties– in other words, they have to implement the Convention–it does not take the place of national laws.
Source: After Gir, Barda Wildlife Sanctuary proposed as second home for Asiatic lions