
What is Cao Bang crocodile newt?


08:44 AM

1 min read
What is Cao Bang crocodile newt? Blog Image

About Cao Bang crocodile newt:

  • Cao Bang crocodile newt, or Tylototriton Koliaensis, is a new species of crocodile newt.
  • It was found in Vietnam's mountainous farm.
  • It lives in a mountain forest at elevations of 3,300 feet or more where the weather fluctuates from a colder dry season to a warmer rainy season.
  • Features:
    • The Cao Bang crocodile newts are medium-sized and are about 5-inches in length.
    • It has stout bodies with rough skin, and its scales are like knobs or warts.
    • The heads of the crocodile are large, and their limbs are very long and thin.
    • It is completely black in colour with a uniform hue of bright orange on marks of fingertips and toes.
    • The bottom part of the crocodile has a dark gray stomach and an orange stripe down to the center of the tail.
    • The newts breed during the rainy summer in the slow-flowing streams or temporary pools, and they hide under rocks and cavities during the winter.

What is a crocodile newt?

  • It is a genus of salamandersfoundprimarily in Asia.
  • They are called "crocodile newts" because of their rough, textured skin that resembles the hide of a crocodile.
  • Most species are dark brown or black with bright orange or red markings on their head, back, and tail.
  • They often live near slow-moving streams, ponds, or marshes where they can lay eggs and find food.
  • Species Examples: Tylototriton verrucosus (Himalayan crocodile newt), Tylototriton shanjing (Emperor newt), Tylototriton kweichowensis (Kweichow crocodile newt).

Q1: What are salamanders?

A salamander is an amphibian with a slender body and a long tail. They encompass approximately 500 species of amphibians. Most salamanders look like a cross between a lizard and a frog. They have moist, smooth skin, like frogs, and long tails, like lizards.

News: New species of crocodile with orange figer tips found in Vietnam's farm