Debrigarh Wildlife Sanctuary

1 min read
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Three poachers were recently arrested in Debrigarh Wildlife Sanctuary.

About Debrigarh Wildlife Sanctuary:

  • Location: It is situated in the Bargarh district of Odisha near the Hirakud dam (Mahanadi River).
  • It finds a special mention because of noted freedom fighter Veer Surendra Sai. During his rebellion against the British, his base at ‘Barapathara” was located within the sanctuary.
  • It was declared a wildlife sanctuary in 1985.
  • Vegetation: Dry deciduous mixed forests.
  • Flora: Major trees found here are Sal, Asana, Bija, Aanla, Dhaura etc.
  • Fauna: A huge variety of wild animals reside in the dense forest of the sanctuary, such as Tiger, Sloth Bear, Leopard, Hyena, Spotted Deer, Antelopes, Sambar, Gaur, Nilgai, Bison, Langur Monkeys etc.


Q1) What is a Wildlife Sanctuary?

A wildlife sanctuary is an area where birds and animals are protected and preserved safely in their native habitats, safe from criminal activities such as poaching and trafficking. A wildlife sanctuary is sometimes known as a natural reserve, a biosphere reserve, or a conservation area. These are directly regulated by the government and are also privately held by charitable organizations and research institutes.

Source: Three poachers arrested in Debrigarh Wildlife Sanctuary