Defence Testing Infrastructure Scheme


01:40 PM

1 min read
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India’s first Unmanned Aerial Systems (Drone) Common Testing Centre under Defence Testing Infrastructure Scheme (DTIS) will be established in Tamil Nadu.

About Defence Testing Infrastructure Scheme: 


  • In order to boost domestic defence and aerospace manufacturing, Ministry of Defence (MoD) has launched Defence Testing Infrastructure Scheme (DTIS).
  • It was launched in 2020
  • Duration: The scheme would run for the duration of five years.
  • The scheme envisages setting up of 6-8 Greenfield Defence Testing Infrastructure facilities that are required for defence and aerospace related production.
  • Funding pattern:Up to 75 per cent Government funding in the form of ‘Grant-in-Aid’. The remaining 25 per cent of the project cost will have to be borne by the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) constituents of which will be the Indian private entities and state governments. 


What is Unmanned Aerial System?

  • UAS are air vehicles and associated equipment that do not carry a human operator, but instead are remotely piloted or fly autonomously.
  • UAS commonly are referred to as Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) and drones.


Q1) What are Unmanned Aerial Vehicles?

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as drones, are aircraft that are operated without a human pilot on board. They can be remotely controlled by a human operator or autonomously guided by onboard computers or a combination of both.

Source: India’s first Unmanned Aerial Systems Common Testing Centre to be established in Tamil Nadu