Digital Shakti 4.0


11:44 AM

1 min read
Digital Shakti 4.0 Blog Image


The National Commission for Women (NCW) has recently launched the fourth phase of Digital Shakti Campaign.

About Digital Shakti 4.0:

  • Digital Shakti started in June 2018 to help women across the nation to raise the awareness level on the digital front, to build resilience, and fight cyber-crime in the most effective ways.
  • The Digital Shakti 4.0 is focused on making women digitally skilled and aware to stand-up against any illegal/inappropriate activity online.
  • NCW launched the campaign in collaboration with CyberPeace Foundation and Meta.
  • Through this project, over 3 Lakh women across India have been made aware of cyber safety tips and tricks.
  • It is helping women in reporting & redressal mechanisms, data privacy and usage of technology for their benefits.


Source : Livemint