Dragonfly Mission


11:59 AM

1 min read
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Recently, NASA confirmed a Dragonfly rotorcraft mission to Saturn’s organic compound-rich moon Titan with a budget of $3.35 billion and a launch date set for July 2028.

About Dragonfly Mission

  • It is a "dual quadcopter" designed to fly across the surface of Titan, Saturn's largest moon.
  • It will explore a variety of locations on Saturn's moon Titan.
  • It will spend most of its time on the moon’s surface making science measurements.
  • It will use a radioisotope power system like the Curiosity rover on Mars.
  • Its flights, data transmission and most science operations will happen during the day, and it will have a lot of time to recharge during night on Titan.
  • It is a rotorcraft, targeted to arrive at Titan in 2034, will fly to dozens of promising locations on the moon, looking for prebiotic chemical processes common on both Titan and the early Earth before life developed.
  • It marks the first time NASA will fly a vehicle for science on another planetary body. The rotorcraft has eight rotors and flies like a large drone.

Key facts about Titan

Titan is Saturn’s largest moon, Titan has an earthlike cycle of liquids flowing across its surface. It is the only moon with a thick atmosphere.

Q1: What is Prebiotic chemistry?

It is the study of how organic compounds formed and self-organized for the origin of life on Earth and elsewhere.

Source: NASA says its futuristic Dragonfly mission will launch in 2028