Facial Recognition Technology


11:02 AM

1 min read
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With the expansion of the Internet, there is an increase in the facial recognition of biometric information, including information generated for purposes for facial recognition technology.

What Is Facial Recognition?

  • Facial recognition refers to the technology capable of identifying or verifying a subject through an image, video, or any audiovisual element of the face. Generally, this identification is used to access an application, system, or service and it works like a face scanner.
  • It is a method of biometric identification that uses that body measures, in this case, face and head, to verify the identity of a person through its facial biometric pattern and data.
  • The technology collects a set of unique biometric data of each person associated with their face and facial expression to identify, verify and/or authenticate a person.

Biometric Facial Recognition Uses Cases

  • Face identity recognition uses focus on verification or authentication. This technology is used, for example, in situations such as:
    • Second authentication factor, to add extra security in any log-in process.
    • Access to mobile applications without a password.
    • Access to previously contracted online services (login on online platforms, for example).
    • Access to buildings (offices, events, facilities of any kind.
    • Payment method, both in physical and online stores.
    • Access to a locked device.
    • Check-in in tourist services (airports, hotels…).

Benefits of Facial Recognition?

  • A fastest process: facial recognition allows for fast and smooth remote identity verification.
  • User experience: facial recognition systems offer a unique, smooth, and fast user experience, avoiding the need for time-consuming office visits or video conferences and wait times.
  • Security: Like fingerprints or voice, each face is unique and has inimitable characteristics. Facial recognition systems, programs, or software compare through facial biometrics and facial recognition algorithms.
  • Compliance: Facial recognition through video identification is the only method recognised as a standard for remote identity verification for high-risk operations (opening bank accounts, signing contracts, etc.)


Q1) Who invented facial recognition technology?

The earliest pioneers of facial recognition were Woody Bledsoe, Helen Chan Wolf and Charles Bisson. In 1964 and 1965, Bledsoe, along with Wolf and Bisson began work using computers to recognise the human face.

Source: Facial Recognition Technology