Falcated Duck
09:20 AM
1 min read

Recently, birders at the Sultanpur National Park in Gurugram, Haryana experienced this delight as they spotted a Falcated Duck.
About Falcated Duck:
- It is also known as falcated teal (Mareca falcata ) is a gadwall-sized dabbling Duck.
- Distribution: It is from eastern Siberia and Mongolia to northern Japan with wintering grounds in southeast Asia to eastern India. There have also been sightings of falcated teals in America, Poland and Thailand.
- Habitat: They are normally found in freshwater lakes, ponds, rivers and marshes that are surrounded by forest.
- The breeding season of this species is from May to early July. They make their nests on the ground near water, usually in tall grass or brush.
- They are mostly herbivorous, and eat vegetable matter, seeds, rice and aquatic plants. Occasionally they also consume small invertebrates and soft shelled mollusks.
- The sightings of the Falcated Ducks in India are irregular and can be termed as 'rare'.
- Threats: A primary threat to the falcated Duck is hunting, as people want them for food and their feathers.
- Conservation Status
- IUCN: Near Threatened

Q1: What does Fulcated Duck Mean?
It is named after its long currved shaped feathers and is a dabbling Duck found in eastern Asia. This species is most closely related to Gadwall, shown by similarities in body shape and size. They breed in Lake Baikal, Siberia and then migrate to south east Asia during the winter.
Source: TP