GG Tau A System
11:31 AM
1 min read

Recently, researchers from the National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER) in Odisha, studied a unique triple-star system called GG Tau A.
About GG Tau A System:
- It is a unique triple-star system which is located 489 light-years away from Earth.
- The system is young- - only 1 to 5 million years old- - which makes it perfect for studying the early stages of planet formation.
- Around these stars is a disk made of gas and dust, which is where planets begin to form.
- The three stars in GG Tau A interact with each other and affect the disk of gas and dust around them, making it harder to predict how planets might form.
- The forces between the stars could cause the disk to behave differently than in a system with just one star. This makes GG Tau A a perfect system to study how planets can form in more complicated, multi-star environments.
- Significance: This is a rare setup in the universe, and studying it helps scientists understand how planets form in more complicated star systems.
- It allows scientists to learn how planets could form in these more complicated environments.

Q1: What is a Protostar?
It is a dense and hot core at the centre of the collapsing cloud. It gathers surrounding dust and gas, eventually becoming the precursor to a fully developed star.
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