Gopal Krishna Gokhale
12:22 PM
1 min read

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has recently paid homage to Gopal Krishna Gokhale on his birth anniversary.
About Gopal Krishna Gokhale:
- Indian National Congress (INC):
- Gokhale became a member of the Indian National Congress in 1889. He was the leader of the moderate faction of the Congress party.
- In 1905, he was elected president of the Indian National Congress (Benares Session).
- He played a leading role in bringing about Morley-Minto Reforms, the beginning of constitutional reforms in India.
- Member in British India Legislature: In 1899, Gokhale was elected to the Bombay Legislative Council and in 1901 he was elected to the Imperial Council of the Governor-General of India.
- Servants of India Society: It was formed by him in Pune (Maharashtra) in 1905 to further the expansion of education in India. The Society organised mobile libraries, founded schools, and provided night classes for factory workers.
- Ranade Institute of Economics: In 1908, he founded the 'Ranade Institute of Economics'.
- Mentor to Gandhi: In his autobiography, Gandhi calls Gokhale his mentor and guide. In 1912, Gokhale visited South Africa at Gandhi's invitation. He received personal guidance from Gokhale, including a knowledge and understanding of India and the issues confronting common Indians.
- Hitavad: He launched the English weekly newspaper named The Hitavad (The people's paper) in 1911.

Q1) What is the Indian National Congress simple words?
The Indian National Congress, also called the Congress Party, is a major Indian political party. The party was founded in 1885. It is the largest constituent party of the UPA, a coalition of Indian political parties that form the opposition against the ruling NDA coalition.
Source: PM pays homage to Gopal Krishna Gokhale on his birth anniversary