


08:17 AM

1 min read
Hyperuniformity Blog Image


Researchers have explored the mechanism behind the emerging property of recently discovered exotic disordered state of matter, known as “hyperuniformity”

About Hyperuniformity:

  • It is a property of certain heterogeneous media in which density fluctuations in the long-wavelength range decay to zero.
  • Hyperuniform disordered materials have been observed in a variety of settings, such as in quasicrystals, large-scale structures of the universe, soft and biological emulsions and colloids, etc. 
  • Feature: One of the most striking characteristics of such a state is that mass fluctuations are greatly suppressed as the system size grows.
  • Applications:
    • Hyperuniform materials have distinctive characteristics that could have technological or biological applications.
    • The mechanism of hyperuniformity could be used to control various physiological functions in cells, and energy-efficient photonic devices (such as photonic band-gap materials)
    • It could be used for optical data transmission and communications.

Q1: What is Photonics?

It is the physical science of light waves. It deals with the science behind the generation, detection and manipulation of light. Light has a dual nature known as the wave-particle duality. That is to say that light has characteristics of both a continuous electromagnetic wave and a particle (photon).

News: Mechanism Identified behind Exotic Disordered State of Matter could be used for Optical Data Transmission & Communications