Inland mangrove of Guneri
06:30 PM
1 min read

Inland Mangrove of Guneri Latest News
Recently, the Gujarat government declared the inland mangrove in Kutch district’s Guneri village as the first Biodiversity Heritage Site of Gujarat.

About Inland Mangrove of Guneri
- It is a natural inland mangrove site located in Kutch district of Gujarat.
- It is located at a distance of 45 km from the Arabian Sea and four km from the Kori Creek, where seawater never approaches.
- It is also devoid of any sludge, and is spread over a flat piece of land like a forest.
- It is the last remains of inland mangrove in India.
- This inland mangrove is rare and has been reported from only eight locations across the globe till date.
- They are assumed to have originated either after the marine transgression which occurred in the area during the Miocene period or on the bank of the lost river (the Saraswati River) in the Great Rann of Kachchh.
- Studies elsewhere have reported that the inland mangroves survive in areas having limestone deposition which connects with the sea bed.
- The limestone provides a continuous flow of groundwater to the mangrove ecosystem/vegetation. The Western Kutch and areas surrounding the Guneri mangroves have records of limestone depositions.
- The announcement has been done under the provisions of The Biodiversity Act, 2002. The Act empowers the state government to notify an area as a BHS after consulting concerned local bodies.
Inland Mangrove of Guneri FAQs
Q1: What are mangroves?
Ans: Mangroves are a group of trees and shrubs that live in the coastal intertidal zone.
Q2: Which is the largest mangrove forest in India?
Ans: Sundarbans
Q3: How many Biodiversity Heritage Sites are there in India?
Ans: 47
Q4: Which act is responsible for biodiversity heritage site?
Ans: Section 37 of Biological Diversity Act, 2002
Source: IE