INS Malpe and INS Mulki
10:42 AM
1 min read

Two anti-submarine warfare shallow watercrafts vessels (ASWCWC) of the Indian Navy, INS Malpe and INS Mulki, were recently launched at Cochin Shipyard.
About INS Malpe and INS Mulki:
- They are two indigenously designed and constructed Anti-Submarine Warfare Shallow Watercrafts (ASWCWC) built for the Indian Navy.
- This is the fourth and fifth ASWCWC being built for the Navy.
- They are constructed by the Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL).
- The contract to build eight ASWSWC ships was signed between the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and CSL on April 30, 2019.
- These vessels, known as the Mahe Class, will replace the current Abhay Class ASW Corvettes in the Indian Navy.
- Features:
- The vessels are capable of conducting anti-submarine operations in coastal waters, low-intensity maritime and mine-laying operations, besides sub-surface surveillance and search and rescue operations.
- The vessels are 78.0 m long and 11.36 m wide, with a draught of about 2.7 m.
- The displacement is about 900 tonnes, with a maximum speed of 25 knots and endurance of 1,800 nautical miles.
- The ships are designed to fit indigenously developed, state-of-the-art SONARS for underwater surveillance.
- They are equipped with light-weight torpedoes, anti-submarine warfare rockets, a close-in weapon system, and remote-controlled guns.

Q1: What is Torpedo?
A torpedo is a self-propelled, cigar-shaped underwater missile that is launched from a submarine, surface vessel, or airplane to destroy ships by rupturing their hulls below the waterline.
Source: Two anti-submarine warfare vessels for Indian Navy launched at Cochin Shipyard