Inter-Operable Criminal Justice System (ICJS) Project

1 min read
Inter-Operable Criminal Justice System (ICJS) Project Blog Image


Recently, to ensure timely disposal of criminal cases, the Ministry of Home Affairs’ (MHA) e-prosecution portal (which is a part of Inter-Operable Criminal Justice System) has added a new feature that will also fix accountability of government lawyers.

About Inter-Operable Criminal Justice System (ICJS) project:

  • What it is? It is a national platform for enabling integration of the main IT system used for delivery of Criminal Justice in the country by five pillars namely.
  • Objective: It seeks to enable seamless transfer of data and information among different pillars of the criminal justice system, like courts, police, jails and forensic science laboratories, from one platform.
  • This system would be made available through a dedicated and secure cloud-based infrastructure with high-speed connectivity.
  • Implementation: National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) will be responsible for the implementation of the project in association with National Informatics Center (NIC). 
  • The project will be implemented in collaboration with the States and Union Territories.


Q1) What is Criminal justice?

Criminal justice refers to the system of laws, procedures, and institutions designed to maintain social order, deter criminal behavior, and punish those who violate the law

Source: Home Ministry develops online module for timely disposal of criminal cases