International Sugar Organisation


10:49 AM

1 min read
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India is hosting a global event in the sugar sector ‘International Sugar Organisation (ISO) Council Meeting’ in New Delhi from 25th till 27th June, 2024.

About International Sugar Organisation:

  • It is an inter-governmental body completely devoted to improving conditions in the world sugar market.
  • It was established in 1968 and it is also a UN affiliated body.
  • It has about 85 countries as members covering almost 90% of sugar production in the World.
  • Mandate: It is mandated to bring major sugar producing, consuming and trading nations together to bring mutual understanding and progressive approach in dealing with issues pertaining to the sugar sector.
  • It has also been working on biofuels, especially ethanol as sugarcane is the second major feedstock for ethanol production in the world.
  • The ISO exists to administer the internationally negotiated 1992 International Sugar Agreement (ISA), the objectives of which are: 
    • To ensure enhanced international cooperation in connection with world sugar matters and related issues.
    • To provide a forum for intergovernmental consultations on sugar and on ways to improve the world sugar economy.
    • To facilitate trade by collecting and providing information on the world sugar market and other sweeteners.
    • To encourage increased demand for sugar, particularly for non-traditional uses. 
  • Headquarters: London

Sugar industry in India

  • Sugar industry is an important agro-based industry that impacts rural livelihood of about 50 million sugarcane farmers and around 5 lakh workers directly employed in sugar mills.
  • India is the largest consumer and second largest producer of sugar in the world with about 15 per cent share in global sugar consumption and about 20 per cent in production.
  • Brazil is the top sugar producer in the world.

Q1: What is Molasses?

It is a syrup remaining after sugar is crystallized out of cane or beet juice. Molasses syrup is separated from sugar crystals by means of centrifuging.

Source: India is hosting 64th ISO Council Meeting from 25th-27th June 2024