Israel and Lebanon agreement

1 min read
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Israel has reached a US-brokered agreement with Lebanon to settle their long-disputed maritime border, hailing a 'historic achievement' that potentially unlocks significant offshore gas production for both countries.


  • It resolves a territorial dispute in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, in an area that Lebanon wants to explore for natural gas.
  • All of the Karish field would fall under Israeli control, while another potential gas field, Qana, would be divided but its exploitation would be under Lebanon’s control.
  • It also sets a border between the maritime waters of Lebanon and Israel for the first time.
  • The agreement does not touch on the shared land border between Israel and Lebanon, which is still disputed, but where both countries are committed to a ceasefire.
  • This border is also called the Blue Line, a boundary that was drawn up by the UN after Israel withdrew from southern Lebanon in 2000.


Source : Indian Express