Kokborok Language

1 min read
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Recently, over 260 people were detained in Tripura during a 12-hour statewide strike called by the Twipra Students’ Federation (TSF) to press for the introduction of Roman script for Kokborok.

About Kokborok Language: 

  • Kokborok is the language spoken by the Borok people belonging to the State of Tripura. 
  • The term kok means "verbal", and borok means "people" or "human". 
  • It is a Sino-Tibetan language and can be traced back to at least the 1st century AD when the historical record of Tripuri kings started to be written down in a book called the Raj Ratnakar. 
  • The dialect belongs to the Tibeto-Burman group of languages and its root can be traced to the Sino-Tibetan speech family.
  • Kokborok got the written form in the year of 1897 as Doulot  Ahammad  a muslim scholar wrote the first Kokborok Grammar named “ KOKBOROMA ANG TRIPURA – VYAKARAN GRAMMAR.”
  • It is one of the state languages of Tripura notified on January 19, 1979.


Q1) Who are Borok people?

The Borok people, also known as the Tripuri people, are an indigenous ethnic group primarily residing in the northeastern region of India, particularly in the state of Tripura. They are one of the major ethnic groups in Tripura and have a rich cultural heritage.

Source: Over 260 detained during Tripura students’ strike demanding Roman script for Kokborok