
Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture (KJWA)


11:40 AM

1 min read
Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture (KJWA) Blog Image


India recently communicated strong objections to discussions under a special UN Framework Convention on Climate Change effort known as the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture, which has sought to expand efforts to reduce emissions of greenhouses gases to the agriculture sector.

About Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture (KJWA):

  • It aims to recognise the unique potential of agriculture in tackling climate change.
  • It was established at the 23rd Conference of the Parties (COP) in Fiji in 2017 as a new process to advance discussions on agriculture in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
  • The joint work will address six topics related to soils, nutrient use, water, livestock, methods for assessing adaptation, and the socio-economic and food security dimensions of climate change across the agricultural sectors.


Source : Hindustan Times