What is Little Bunting?
10:30 AM
1 min read
A little bunting bird, never before seen in Rajasthan, has been spotted in Mount Abu recently.
About Little Bunting:
- It is a passerine bird belonging to the bunting family (Emberizidae).
- Scientific Name: Emberiza pusilla
- Distribution:
- It breeds across the taiga of the far northeast of Europe and northern Eurosiberia to the Russian Far East.
- It is migratory, wintering in the subtropics in northern India, southern China, and the northern parts of Southeast Asia.
- Features:
- This is a small bunting, measuring only 12–14 cm (4.7–5.5 in) in length.
- It has white underparts with dark streaking on the breast and sides.
- With its chestnut face and white malar stripe, it resembles a small female reed bunting, but has black crown stripes, a white eye-ring, and a fine dark border to the rear of its chestnut cheeks.
- The sexes are similar.
- The call is a distinctive zik, and the song is a rolling siroo-sir-sir-siroo.
- IUCN Red List: Least Concern
Q1: What is a passerine bird?
A passerine or passeriform is a member of the order Passeriformes, the largest order of birds, containing more than half of all species. They are also known as perching birds or, less accurately, as songbirds
News: Rare in Rajasthan: Little bunting bird spotted for 1st time in Mount Abu