Meeting of Agricultural Chief Scientists (MACS)
11:50 AM
1 min read

The G20 Meeting of Agricultural Chief Scientists (MACS) will be held in Varanasi from 17 to 19 April 2023 which will feature the MAHARISHI Initiative.
About Meeting of Agricultural Chief Scientists:
- The first meet of MACS was held in Mexico in 2012.
- The members of the MACS include ministries or governmental bodies responsible for agricultural research in the respective G20 states as well as leading research institutions which strategically advise these decision-makers.
- The theme of the 2023 meeting: Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems for Healthy People and Planet.
- The MACS will discuss food and nutrition security, resilience to climate change, One Health approaches, digital agriculture, and public-private partnerships for research, education and extension.
- The meeting will also feature the MAHARISHI Initiative i.e., Millets And OtHer Ancient Grains International ReSearcH Initiative.
- This International Initiative will focus on research and awareness about agro-biodiversity, food security, and nutrition in line with the International Year of Millets 2023.
- There are four priority areas on which focused discussion will take place.
- Food Security and Nutrition - the role of Frontiers in Science and Technology.
- Building resilience and sustainable agriculture through approaches of climate resilient agriculture and One Health.
- Digitalization for Agricultural Transformation.
- Public-Private Partnerships for Research and Development

Q1) What are Millets?
Millets are a group of small-seeded grasses that are cultivated as a cereal crop in various parts of the world. They are a traditional staple food in many regions, especially in Asia and Africa, and have been cultivated for thousands of years.