Nandini Sahakar Yojana


09:04 AM

1 min read
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Recently, the Minister of Cooperation informed the Rajya Sabha about the Nandini Sahakar Scheme.

About Nandini Sahakar Yojana: 

  • It is aimed at assisting women cooperatives to take up business model based activities under the purview of the National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC).
  • It is a women focused framework of financial assistance, project formulation, hand-holding and capacity development.
  • Funding: There is no minimum or maximum limit on financial assistance to projects by women cooperatives.
  • NCDC provides 2% interest subvention on its rate of interest on term loan portion for new and innovative activities.
  • 1% interest subvention on its rate of interest on term loan portion for all other activities resulting in lower borrowing costs of women cooperatives.
  • Eligibility
    • Any cooperative society with three months in operation is eligible to apply for assistance which will be in the form of credit linkage for infrastructure term loan.
    • Women cooperatives are those which are registered as women cooperatives under any State / Central Act or those cooperatives which have minimum 50% women as primary members.
  • Significance
    • The scheme is a framework of assistance to improve socio-economic status of women.
    • It supports entrepreneurial dynamism of women through women cooperatives.
    • It converges critical inputs of women’s enterprise, business plan formulation, capacity development, credit and subsidy and interest subvention of other schemes.

Q1: What is a co-operative society?

 It is a voluntary association of individuals having common needs who join hands for the achievement of common economic interest. Its aim is to serve the interest of the poorer sections of society through the principle of self-help and mutual help.

Source: Nandini Sahakar Yojana