Parkachik Glacier


01:31 PM

1 min read
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A new study by scientists of Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology has found that three glacial lakes are likely to form around Parkachik Glacier in Ladakh due to rapid ice melt.

About Parkachik Glacier: 


  • The Parkachik glacier is one of the largest glaciers in the Suru River valley, covering an area of 53 square km and is 14 km long.
  • The Suru River valley is a part of the southern Zanskar Ranges in the western Himalayas.
  • There are two main reasons for the rapid melting of the glacier. 
    • The first is global warming and increasing temperatures in the region.
    • The second is that it is at a lower altitude than other glaciers in the Zanskar region.


Key facts about Zanskar Ranges

  • Zanskar is a high altitude semi-desert lying on the Northern flank of the Great Himalayan Range.
  • This mountain range acts as a climatic barrier protecting Ladakh and Zanskar from most of the monsoon, resulting in a pleasantly warm and dry climate in the summer.
  • Flora: Much of Zanskar's vegetation is found in the lower reaches of the valleys, and consists of alpine and tundra species.
  • Fauna: Among the wildlife that can be found in Zanskar are the marmot, bear, wolf, snow leopard, kiang, bharal, alpine Ibex, wild sheep and goats, and the lammergeier.


Q1) What is tundra biome?

The tundra biome is a vast, treeless, and cold ecosystem that is found in the Arctic regions and some high mountainous areas around the world. It is one of the coldest and harshest biomes on Earth, characterized by long, extremely cold winters and short, cool summers.

Source: Ladakh glacier melting may form three lakes, says study