Performance Grading Index (PGI)
01:19 PM
1 min read
Recently, the Union Ministry of Education released a report on Performance Grading Index 2.0 for States/UTs for the year 2021-22.
About Performance Grading Index:
- It was first released for the year 2017-18 and so far it has been released up to the year 2020-21.
- It assesses the performance of school education system at the State/UT level by creating an index for comprehensive analysis.
- Aim of PGI 2.0: To propel States & UTs towards undertaking multi-pronged interventions that will bring about the much-desired optimal education outcomes covering all dimensions.
- The PGI 2.0 structure comprises of 1000 points across 73 indicators grouped into 2 categories viz., Outcomes, Governance Management (GM).
- These categories are further divided into 6 domains, viz., Learning Outcomes (LO), Access (A), Infrastructure & Facilities (IF), Equity (E), Governance Process (GP) & Teachers Education and Training (TE&T).
- PGI 2.0 for 2021-22 classified the States/UTs into ten grades viz., highest achievable Grade is Daksh, which is for State/UT scoring more than 940 points out of total of 1000 points.
- The lowest grade is Akanshi-3 which is for score up to 460.
- Indicators of PGI 2.0 have been aligned to policy initiatives and interventions introduced post implementation of National Education policy (NEP) 2020 for proper tracking the progress.
- The PGI 2.0 is expected to help States and UTs to pinpoint the gaps and accordingly prioritize areas for intervention to ensure that the school education system is robust at every level.
Q1) What is Education?
Education refers to the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes through various methods, such as teaching, training, or research. It is a fundamental aspect of human development and plays a crucial role in shaping individuals and societies.