Professors of practice

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The higher education regulator University Grants Commission (UGC) has issued new guidelines under which higher education institutes can create a new teaching position called Professor of Practice to hire experts from various sectors, in line with provisions that already exist in the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs).


  • No formal educational qualification such as a PhD is needed to apply for a position.
  • To be eligible for appointment, an individual will have to be a “distinguished expert” who has “made remarkable contributions in their professions”, and has at least 15 years of service or experience.
  • The idea is to bring practical experience into classroom teaching.
  • It is open to the institutions themselves to decide the sector from which they want to rope in professionals.
  • A professor of practice can be anyone with a background in a diverse range of areas from technology, science, social sciences, media, literature, armed forces, law, fine arts, etc.
  • However, the position is not open for those in the teaching profession — either serving or retired.
  • Currently, under the UGC’s minimum qualifications for appointment of teachers and other academic staff, an individual needs a PhD to be recruited as a professor or associate professor, and also needs to have cleared the National Eligibility Test (NET).
  • It can be either a full-time or a part-time engagement for at least four years. Initially, the hiring will be for one year. Based on performance, extensions may be given.
  • The remuneration will be decided at the level of the institutes and the experts being hired.

Source : Indian Express