Key Facts about Reang Tribe


06:39 AM

1 min read
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The ethnic Reang community has demanded that Tripura declare a holiday on Hojagiri Day, which celebrates the traditional Hojagiri dance.

About Reang Tribe:

  • The Reang tribe, who locally call themselves “Bru”, is the second largest tribal community of Tripura after the old Tripuri clan. 
  • They are the only Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group (PVTGs)  residing in the state of Tripura.
  • Apart from Tripura, they are also found in the neighbouring state of Mizoram and a few in Assam.
  • According to the 2011 census of India report, the total population of the Reang tribe is about 1,88,080. 
  • Reangs are said to have come first from Shan State of upper Burma (now Myanmar) in different waves to the Chittagang Hill Tracts and then to the Southern part of Tripura.
  • Similarly, another group entered Tripura via Assam and Mizoram during the 18th Century.
  • Reangs belongs to Indo-Mongoloid racial stock.
  • Their language is known as “Kaubru,” which has a tonal effect on the Kuki language, though broadly it is the Kok-Borok dialect.
    • The language belongs to the Tibeto-Burmese linguistic family.
  • Ethnically, Reangs are divided into two major clans: Meska and Molsoi. 
  • The Reangs are a well-knit ethnic group having a rigid, well-ordained, and well-structured self-governing system.
  • Economy: The Reangs are primarily an agriculturist tribe. In the past, they mostly used to practise the ‘Huk' or Jhum cultivation, like most other Tripuri tribes. But now shifted to modern agriculture practice. 
  • Religious Belief:
    • At present, most of the Reangs in Tripura follow Hinduism, and most of their deities are akin to gods and goddesses of Hindu faith. 
    • Reangs have faith in different deities like Buraha, Bonirao, Songragma, Jampira, Lampra, etc.
  • Hojagiri folk dance of the Reang clan had achieved an unprecedented acclaim all over the world. 

Q1: Who are Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs)?

PVTGs are a more vulnerable group among tribal groups in India. These groups have primitive traits, geographical isolation, low literacy, zero to negative population growth rate and backwardness. Moreover, they are largely dependent on hunting for food and a pre-agriculture level of technology. Currently, there are 2.8 million PVTGs belonging to 75 tribes across 22,544 villages in 220 districts across 18 states and Union Territories in India.

News: Reang tribe seeks recognition for its language, Tripura govt says committed to saving all languages from extinction