09:20 AM
1 min read

The land-use patterns of this Sada region are changing and some of the croplands are increasingly being converted to orchards or residential areas.
About Sada:
- It is a flat top formed as a result of centuries of erosion, locally called sada, meaning a large flat area.
- It is located in the Konkan region of Maharashtra.
- They are similar to the plateaux, locally called pathar, in the Satara district of Maharashtra, Kaas Plateau is a well-known example.
- Characteristics of Sada
- The sada are barren most of the year but become transformed during the monsoons.
- They are rocky and harbour unique endemic flora that cover it in the monsoon season.
- As it consists of highly weathered lateritic soil layer on the top which acts as a catchment for the rainwater and recharges the groundwater.
- Biodiversity: This landscape consists of 459 plant species, of which 105 are endemic to the Konkan region. It also recorded 31 species of reptiles, 13 species of amphibians, 169 species of birds, and 41 species of mammals in the region.
- The area is also host to works of art called geoglyphs, dated to roughly 10,000 years ago.

Q1. What is a plateau?
It is an elevated flatland. It is a flat-topped tableland standing above the surrounding area. A plateau may have one or more sides with steep slopes.
Source: TH