What is Silicosis?
10:21 AM
1 min read

Recently, researchers warned that silicosis could become as big a health problem as exposure to asbestos.
About Silicosis:
- It is a respiratory disease which causes a hardening of the lungs.
- Causes: It is caused by silica dust or silica crystals, which are found in soil, sand, concrete, mortar, granite and artificial stone.
- It is common in construction, mining, oil and gas extraction, kitchen engineering, dentistry, pottery and sculpting.
- People working in these industries are often exposed to silica every day, and are at higher risk of developing silicosis as a result.
- It can take a long time for silicosis to develop — typically 10 to 20 years of occupational exposure to silica dust.
- The main symptoms of silicosis are: a persistent cough, persistent shortness of breath weakness and tiredness etc.
- Types of Silicosis
- Acute Silicosis: The symptoms of acute silicosis are cough, weight loss, and fatigue within a few weeks or years of exposure to inhaled silica.
- Accelerated Silicosis: It occurs within 10 years of high-level exposure to the inhaled silica.
- Chronic Silicosis: It occurs from 10 to 30 years after exposure and affects upper lungs and sometimes causes extensive scarring
- Silicosis is a progressive disease and has no cure.

Q1: What is Pulmonary fibrosis?
It is a lung disease that occurs when lung tissue becomes damaged and scarred. This thickened, stiff tissue makes it harder for the lungs to work properly. Pulmonary fibrosis worsens over time. Some people can stay stable for a long time, but the condition gets worse faster in others.
Source: Why silica dust could become the ‘new asbestos’ health risk