09:30 AM
1 min read

Recently, the Inland Waterways Authority of India’s Intermodal Terminal (IMT) at Kalughat in Bihar has received five star SVAGRIHA rating from GRIHA council.
About SVAGRIHA Rating:
- SVAGRIHA rating that stands for Simple Versatile Affordable GRIHA – supports the concept of green buildings and sustainability under Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment (GRIHA).
- Itis a guidance-cum-rating system being developed for small stand alone buildings like residences, commercial offices, motels, dispensaries, schools etc.
- It has been developed in order to help reduce the environmental impact of these small developments.
- Rating system
- It will be applicable only for projects which are less than 2500 sq.m. built-up area.
- The rating system has 14 criteria.
- Criteria: The criteria are divided into 5 broad sub-groups namely: architecture & energy, water & waste, materials, landscape and lifestyle.
- It will be mandatory to attempt certain points under each sub-group. The total points that a project can achieve are 50
- The rating will be done on a 1-5 star scale.
- It has been designed as a simple online tool with guiding parameters which will evaluate the performance of the project with respect to SVAGRIHA in a simple, easy to understand manner.
Key facts about Kalughat Intermodal Terminal
- It is one among several infrastructural interventions made by the Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI) for capacity augmentation of National Waterway 1 – River Ganga.
- It has received five star rating for its efforts to ensure environmental sustainability by ensuring usage of recyclable materials like fibre, recyclable glasses, paint, sanitary fixtures etc during the building of the terminal.

Q1: What is the GRIHA Rating system?
It is an acronym for Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment. GRIHA is a Sanskrit word meaning – 'Abode'. It is a rating tool that helps people assesses the performance of their building against certain nationally acceptable benchmarks.
News: IWAI’s Kalughat IMT gets recognition for sustainable infrastructure project