SWAYATT Initiative


10:22 AM

1 min read
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Recently, a function was held to commemorate the success of “SWAYATT”, an initiative that was first launched in February 2019.

About SWAYATT Initiative:

  • It is an initiative to promote Start-ups, Women and Youth Advantage Through eTransactions on Government eMarketplace (GeM).
  • Aim: To promote the inclusion of various categories of sellers and service providers on the portal by taking proactive steps to facilitate their training and registration, develop women's entrepreneurship, and encourage the participation of the MSME sector and startups in public procurement.

What is Government e-Marketplace (GeM)

  • GeM is an Online Market platform that was set up in 2016 to facilitate the procurement of goods and services by government ministries, departments, public sector undertakings (PSU) etc.
  • It has been envisaged as the National Procurement Portal of India.
  • This portal was developed by the Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals (Ministry of Commerce and Industry) with technical support from the National e-governance Division (Ministry of Electronic and Information Technology).
  • GeM is a completely paperless, cashless and system-driven e-marketplace that enables procurement of common-use goods and services with minimal human interface.


Q1) What is Startup India?

It is a flagship initiative of the Government of India, intended to catalyse startup culture and build a strong and inclusive ecosystem for innovation and entrepreneurship in India.

Source: Government e-Marketplace (GeM) commemorates the success of “SWAYATT”, an initiative to promote Start-ups, Women and Youth Advantage through e-Transactions on GeM