

12:31 PM

1 min read
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Indian Prime Minister along with his Papua New Guinea counterpart recently released the Tamil classic 'Thirukkural' in the Tok Pisin language.

About Thirukkural:

  • Tirukkural (Tamil: “Sacred Couplets”) also called Kural, is a classic Tamil text written by Thiruvalluvar, believed to have lived sometime between the 2nd century BCE and the 5th century CE.
  • It has had an immense influence on Tamil culture and life.
  • It is a collection of 1,330 couplets (kurals) that offer timeless wisdom on various aspects of life, including ethics, governance, love, and spirituality.
  • Structure and Themes:
    • Thirukkural is divided into three main sections or books: Aram (Virtue), Porul (Wealth), and Inbam (Love).
    • Each section covers a wide range of topics and imparts moral, ethical, and practical guidance to the readers.
    • The couplets are composed in a concise and poetic form, making them easily memorable and quotable.
    • Aram:
      • It discusses virtues such as righteousness, truth, gratitude, and compassion.
      • It emphasizes the importance of leading a righteous life and upholding moral values in all circumstances.
    • Porul:
      • It provides insights into worldly affairs, including governance, economy, and friendship.
      • It offers wisdom on topics like wealth management, administration, and the value of good company.
    • Inbam:
      • It delves into the complexities of human emotions, love, and family life.


Q1) Who was Thiruvalluvar?

Tiruvalluvar is known as one of the most prominent literary figures in Tamil culture. He is the author of Thirukkural, the most important book in Tamil literature. Born in the humble surroundings of Mylapore, Tiruvalluvar’s story is something of a rags-to-riches tale. He lived during the time of the Tamil classical age, the Sangam period. He is known as a philosopher, sage, and poet. We have compiled a brief excerpt on the life of this illustrious figure.

Source: PM Releases Tok Pisin Translation Of Book 'Thirukkural' In Papua New Guinea