
U.N. Internal Justice Council


10:25 AM

1 min read
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Former Supreme Court judge Justice Madan B. Lokur was appointed Chairperson of the United Nations Internal Justice Council (IJC) for a term ending on November 12, 2028.

About U.N. Internal Justice Council:

  • It was established by the UN General Assembly as part of the new internal justice system in order to help ensure independence, professionalism and accountability in the administration of the justice system of the United Nations.
  • The IJC members are appointed by the Secretary General.
  • It is composed of five members consisting of
    • A staff representative
    • A management representative
    • Two distinguished external jurists, one nominated by the staff and one by management, and
    • Chaired by a distinguished jurist chosen by consensus by the four other members.
  • Functions
    • It is tasked to undertake the search for suitable candidates for the positions of judges when there is a vacancy on the UN Dispute Tribunal (UNDT) and the UN Appeals Tribunal (UNAT)
    • To recommend General Assembly two or three candidates for each vacancy with due regard to geographical distribution.
    • To provide its views on the implementation of the system of administration of justice to the General Assembly.
    • The judges of the UN Dispute Tribunal and the UN Appeals Tribunal are appointed by the General Assembly on the recommendation of suitable candidates by the IJC.

Q1: What is the United Nations Dispute Tribunal (UNDT)?

It is “first instance tribunal” of the UN’s internal justice system, is the tribunal UN system staff members apply to when they decide to challenge an administrative decision made by an entity over which the UNDT has Jurisdiction, and which the Applicant believes violates their rights as a staff member due to non-compliance with the terms of their appointment or contract of employment.

News: Former Supreme Court judge Justice Madan Lokur appointed chairperson of U.N. Internal Justice Council