
Water Spinach


09:06 AM

1 min read
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According to Taiwan-based research organisation World Vegetable Centre, folic acid is only one of the many nutrients present in the water spinach vegetable.

About Water Spinach:

  • It is native to tropics and subtropics, this semi-aquatic perennial plant is believed to have been the first domesticated in Southeast Asia.
  • In Southeast Asian nations like Malaysia, China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Indonesia, the plant is mostly grown commercially, while in the United States and India, it grows in the wild as weed.
  • In India, it grows along the paddy fields, ponds and rivers, and is available around the monsoon season in July and August.
  • Other names: It is known as kalmi saag in West Bengal, naari ka saag in Uttar Pradesh, nalichi-bhaji in Marathi and sarkaraivalli in Tamil.
  • The plant is relatively easy to grow because it requires little care and flourishes naturally in waterways.
  • It grows very quickly under optimal conditions, though it has to be ensured that the water used is not saline or stagnant.
  • Researchers in India, Pakistan and the US, find water spinach effective against lead poisoning.
  • Health benefit:
    • The plant also has medium levels of beta carotene, calcium, vitamin E and iron; and medium-to-high levels of ascorbic acid.
    • The substantial quantities of phyto-antioxidants in the leaves may mediate its beneficial function against doxorubicin.

Q1: What is Vitamin C?

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin. This means that it dissolves in water and is delivered to the body’s tissues but is not well stored, so it must be taken daily through food or supplements.

Source: Quest for nutrients: The versatile water spinach can boost folic acid levels