What is ADT 52?
10:15 AM
1 min read
Experts of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)-Krishi Vigyan Kendra in Sikkal, Nagapattinam, found the ADT 52 crop variety to be resistant to unseasonal rains.
About ADT 52:
- ADT 52, which stands for ‘Aduthurai 52’, is a long-duration paddy variety.
- Plant type: Medium tall and non-lodging.
- Grain Yield: 4902 Kg/ha.
- Duration: It takes at least 150 days to grow.
- Grain type: Medium slender, translucent rice with high milling (67.1%)
- It gives a high yield and can withstand the impact of unseasonal rains.
- It is resistant to gall midge and moderately resistant to leaf blast, neck blast, grain discoloration, and bacterial leaf blight.
The Tamil Nadu Rice Research Institute (TRRI) in Aduthuuurai launched the ADT 52 variety in 2018.
Q1) What isT Krishi Vigyan Kendra?
Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) is an agricultural extension centre created by Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR) and its affiliated institutions at the district level to provide various types of farm support to the agricultural sector. KVK play a vital role in conducting on-farm Testing to demonstrate location-specific agricultural technologies.
Source: ADT-52 crop variety withstands rain impact, IVAR-KVK experts affirm after test