What is Cartilage?


12:20 PM

1 min read
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Scientists have recently discovered a new treatment strategy for damaged cartilage.

About Cartilage:

  • What is it? It is a strong, flexible connective tissue that protects your joints and bones.
  • It acts as a shock absorber throughout your body.
  • Cartilageat the end of your bonesreduces friction and prevents them from rubbing together when you use your joints. 
  • It’s also the main tissue in some parts of your body and gives them their structure and shape.
  • Types: There are three types of cartilage in the body,
    • Hyaline cartilage:
      • It is the most common type of cartilage.
      • It lines the joints and caps at the ends of your bones. Hyaline cartilage at the ends of your bones is sometimes referred to as articular cartilage.
      • Hyaline cartilage is slippery and smooth which helps the bones move smoothly past each other in your joints.
    • Fibrocartilage:
      • It is tough cartilage made of thick fibers
      • It’s the strongest and least flexible of the three types. It’s tough enough to hold parts of your body in place and absorb impacts.
    • Elastic cartilage:
      • It is the most flexible cartilage.
      • It supports parts of your bodythat need to bend and move to function.
      • Elastic cartilage can bounce back to its original shape, even after a strong force. 


Q1) What is connective tissue?

Connective tissue is a tissue that supports, protects, and gives structure to other tissues and organs in the body. Connective tissue also stores fat, helps move nutrients and other substances between tissues and organs, and helps repair damaged tissue. Connective tissue is made up of cells, fibers, and a gel-like substance.

Source: New treatment strategy for damaged cartilage discovered: Study