What is FRINJEX-23?


10:24 AM

1 min read
What is FRINJEX-23? Blog Image


The India-France joint exercise FRINJEX-23 is scheduled to be held at the Pangod military center in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.

About FRINJEX-23:

  • It is the first joint military exercise between the Indian Army and French Army.
  • This is the first time the two countries have engaged in a military exercise in a team format consisting of a company group.
  • Objective: Enhancing interoperability, coordination, and cooperation between both forces at the tactical level.
  • The theme for the exercise is based on “Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Operations in a Contested Environment”.

Indian-France Military Exercises:

  • Exercise Garuda: Air Force
  • Exercise Varuna: Navy
  • Exercise Shakti: Army


Q1) What is Exercise Varuna?

Exercise Varuna is the bilateral naval exercise between India and France.The exercise facilitates operational level interaction between the two navies to foster mutual cooperation for good order at sea, underscoring the shared commitment of both nations to security, safety and freedom of the global maritime commons.

Source: Indo-France joint exercise at Pangode military station