What is the Press Council of India (PCI)?
06:30 PM
1 min read

The Press Council of India (PCI) recently issued an advisory to the print media on ‘paid news’.
About Press Council of India:
- It was first set up in 1966 by the parliament on the recommendations of the First Press Commission under the chairmanship of Justice J.R Mudholkar.
- The present council functions under the Press Council Act 1978.
- It is a statutory, quasi-judicial body that acts as a watchdog of the press in India.
- Composition:
- It consists of a Chairman and 28 other members.
- The Chairman is nominated by a committee consisting of Chairman of Rajya Sabha, the Speaker of Lok Sabha, and one representative of the council member.
- The Chairman, by convention, has been a retired judge of the Supreme Court.
- The term of the Chairman and the members of the Council is 3 years.
- Primary Function: To check the media practice and to keep an eye on the freedom of the press.
- Other Functions:
- Helping newspapers to maintain their independence;
- Building up a code of conduct for journalists and newspapers according to high professional standards;
- Reviewing any development which is likely to restrict the supply and dissemination of news of public interest and importance;
- Reviewing such cases where assistance has been received by any newspaper or news agency in India from foreign sources, as referred to it by the Central Government;
- It adjudicates the complaints either against the Press for violation of journalistic ethics or by the Press for interference with its freedom.

Q1: What is a statutory body?
It is a non-constitutional body which is set up by a parliament. Statutory bodies are authorized to pass the law and take the decision on the behalf of the state or country. Statutory body has official permission for Legislation i.e. process of enacting laws.