What is the Rubber Board?


01:23 PM

1 min read
What is the Rubber Board? Blog Image


The Central Government has dismissed concerns over a new Rubber Bill and existence of the Rubber Board.

About Rubber Board


  • It is a statutory organization constituted under the Rubber Act, 1947.
  • It functions under the administrative control of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. 


Functions of Rubber Board

  • The Board is responsible for the development of the rubber industry in the country by assisting and encouraging research, development, extension and training activities related to rubber.
  • It also maintains statistical data of rubber, takes steps to promote marketing of rubber and undertake labor welfare activities. 
  • A crucial function of the Rubber Board is issuing licenses to rubber producers, manufacturers, and exporters/traders. This license, known as the "Rubber Board license/registration," is mandatory for anyone involved in rubber manufacturing and export


Structure of Rubber Board

  • The Board is headed by a Chairman appointed by the Central Government.
  • It has 28 members representing various interests of the natural rubber industry.
  • Headquarters: Kottayam, Kerala.
  • The activities of the Board are exercised through Five Departments viz. General Services, Extension & Advisory Services, Research Services (rubber Research Institute of India), Training (Rubber Training Institute) & Finance.


Q1) What is natural rubber?

Natural rubber is made up of long isoprene polymer chains, loosely connected. The chains reattach themselves when pulled apart; this gives rubber its elasticity. As opposed to synthetic rubbers, which are made from petrochemicals, natural rubber is made from the latex sap of rubber trees (although other plants also produce latex, rubber trees are the most efficient at producing rubber, making them the suppliers of latex for 99% of natural rubber).

Source: Centre allays fears over new Rubber Bill, says Board will continue to function