What is UNFPA?


01:38 PM

1 min read
What is UNFPA? Blog Image


A project of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) for gender sensitivity in Rajasthan has received support from the experts working for the elimination of customs promoting patriarchy

About United Nations Population Fund:


  • It is an international development agency created in 1968 to support the execution of projects and programmes in the area of population and sexual and reproductive health.
  • Its mission is to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled.
  • In 1987, it was officially renamed as the United Nations Population Fund but the original abbreviation UNFPA (United Nations Fund for Population Activities) was retained.
  • Headquarters: New York
  • It is not directly responsible for the collection of primary statistics; it plays an important role in the technical and financial support of statistical activities in countries, such as population censuses and thematic surveys etc.
  • UNFPA funds assistance, research, and advocacy programs in three major areas:
    • Reproductive health, including family planning, safe motherhood, and the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases,
    • The population problems of developed and developing countries and possible strategies for addressing them.
    • Issues related to the status of women, including the gender gap in education.
  • UNFPA assistance programs are undertaken only in response to government requests.


Q1) What is the United Nations?

The United Nations (UN) is an international organization founded in 1945 after World War II to promote international cooperation, peace, security, development, and human rights. It serves as a platform for member states to work together on global challenges and address issues that require international collaboration.

Source: UNFPA project in Rajasthan for gender sensitivity gets support from experts