White-Naped Tit
11:30 AM

White-Naped Tit Latest News
Bird enthusiasts recently documented the white-naped tit in North Karnataka's Kappatagudda hills for the first time, identifying it by its call.

About White-Naped Tit
- The white-naped tit (also called pied tit or white-winged tit) is a passerine bird in the tit family Paridae.
- Scientific Name: Machlolophus nuchalis
- Distribution:
- It is endemic to India.
- It is found in two disjunct populations in India: in the northwest (in Gujarat, Haryana, and Rajasthan) and in the south (thorn scrubs of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu).
- White-Naped Tit Habitat: Dry thorn scrub forest
White-Naped Tit Features
- It is the only pied (black-and-white) tit in India.
- The upperparts from forehead to tail are glossy black, with a prominent white patch on the lower nape and upper mantle.
- The cheeks and the rest of the underparts are white, with a wide black central band running from throat to vent.
- The wings have a large white patch with a few black bars.
- It is seen in pairs or small family groups.
- Conservation Status:
- IUCN Red List: Vulnerable
White-Naped Tit FAQs
Q1. What is a passerine bird?
Ans. A passerine or passeriform is a member of the order Passeriformes, the largest order of birds, containing more than half of all species. They are also known as perching birds or, less accurately, as songbirds
Q2. What is the IUCN Red List?
Ans. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ is the world's most comprehensive information source on the global extinction risk status of animal, fungus and plant species.
Q3. Where is Kappatagudda Hills?
Ans. Kappatagudda Hills are located in the Gadag district of Karnataka, India. These hills are part of the Eastern Ghats
Source: TOI