World Employment and Social Outlook
09:30 AM
1 min read

Recently, the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) published the World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2025 in Geneva.
About World Employment and Social Outlook:
- It provides a detailed analysis of the state of global labour markets, highlighting key trends and challenges.
- It explores issues such as the slowdown in labour market recovery, the persistence of youth unemployment, and the widening global jobs gap.
Key highlights of the report
- In 2024, global employment grew in line with the labour force, keeping the unemployment rate steady at 5%.
- Geopolitical tensions, the rising costs of climate change and unresolved debt issues are the challenges before the recovery and the reasons for putting labour markets under pressure.
- The labour force participation rates have dropped in low-income countries while increasing in high-income nations, mainly among older workers and women, the report pointed out.
- The report urged member countries
- To boost productivity, invest in skills training, education and infrastructure to support economic growth and job creation.
- Expand social protection: provide better access to social security and safe working conditions to reduce inequality.
- Use private funds effectively: low-income countries can harness remittances and diaspora funds to support local development.

Q1: Who released the World employment and Social Outlook Report?
The International Labour Organization (ILO) will publish its World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2025 (WESO Trends). This report provides a detailed analysis of the state of global labour markets, highlighting key trends and challenges.
Source: TH