World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD)


12:29 PM

1 min read
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World Telecommunication Day was recently celebrated on May 17th.

About World Telecommunication and Information Society Day:

  • It is celebrated every year on May 17.
  • Purpose: To help raise awareness of the possibilities that the use of the Internet and other information and communication technologies (ICTs) can bring to societies and economies, as well as of ways to bridge the digital divide.
  • The theme of this year’s celebration was “Empowering the Least Developed Countries through Information and Communication Technologies”.
  • History:
    • World Telecommunication Day has been celebrated annually on 17 May since 1969, marking the founding of International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the signing of the first International Telegraph Convention in 1865.
    • In March 2006, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution stipulating that World Information Society Day shall be celebrated every year on 17 May.
    • In November 2006, the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference in Antalya, Turkey, decided to celebrate both events on 17 May as World Telecommunication and Information Society Day.

What is the International Telecommunication Union (ITU)?

  • It is the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies.
  • It is an intergovernmental organization that coordinates between governments and private sector bodies with respect to global telecommunication and information communication technology (ICT) services.
  • It was established in 1865 as International Telegraph Union.
  • In 1947 the ITU became a specialized agency of the United Nations.
  • Membership: It has a membership of 193 countries and nearly 800 private sector entities and academic institutions.
  • Headquarters: Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Functions:
    • allocate global radio spectrum and satellite orbits;
    • coordination and setting of technical standards related to telecommunication/ICT;
    • strive to improve access to ICTs in underserved communities worldwide;
  • India and ITU: India has been an active member of the ITU since 1869 and has been a regular member of the ITU Council since 1952.


Q1) What is the International Telecommunication Union (ITU)?

It is the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies. It is an intergovernmental organization that coordinates between governments and private sector bodies with respect to global telecommunication and information communication technology (ICT) services.

Source: World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2023: Theme, history and significance